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Direct Israel Diamonds


Un nouveau numero de l’emission économique hebdo sur Guysen TV «Les Enjeux de l’Economie» du 19/01/2012, animé par Lionel Bobot avec comme invité de l’économie: Nissim Meyer, diamantaire - Direct Israel Diamonds qui nous parlera de la Bourse du diamant, de son fonctionnement et ses acteurs.

Rencontre avec Nissim MEYER - Le magicien diamantaire

Joanna AMAR | Diamant Sources: article sur IsraelValley du le 4 Juillet 2013

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De retour en Israël depuis plus de 10 ans, Nissim Bernard MEYER, gemmologue et membre de la Bourse du diamant de Ramat Gan, nous fait découvrir un secteur novateur high-tech du diamant. Cette technologie peu connue en Europe, bénéficie d’une véritable envolée outre-Atlantique et en Asie; Israël en est le leader.

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Israeli Diamonds: Some of the Best in the World

(Video) by Elad Benari & Yoni Kempinski

Israel’s international jewelry and diamond exhibition took place this past week at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds.

Israel itself is well-known for its diamond industry, as Nissim Meyer, CEO of Direct Israel Diamonds told IsraelNationalNews.

“The Israeli diamond industry is one of the best in the world,” Meyer said. “We produce large stones here. The diamond exchange in Israel is very strong. Everyone in the world knows the Israeli diamond industry.”

And why are diamonds so expensive, you ask?

“It’s difficult to explain the attraction [people have] to diamonds,” said Meyer. “Only seven percent of the diamonds in the world are big stones. Most of the diamonds produced are very small. That’s one of the reasons that diamonds are expensive.”


Sources: article sur Futé Magasine du le 26 Aout 2011

Direct Israel Diamonds Direct Israel Diamonds



Member of the Israel Diamond Exchange


AIGS, Accredited Gemologist

The Israeli Diamond Industry


EGL, European Gemological Laboratory

HRD Antwerp, institute of Gemmology


IGL, International Gemological Laboratory

Guberlin Gem Lab



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